The Big List of WebXR Creation Tools
The following is a list of just about every single thing you can use to create WebXR content that I'm aware of. I'll probably update this as time goes on, feel free to leave any suggestions of something you think should be on here.
WebXR Creation Tools
Name Type Built On Notes 8th Wall Cloud Platform WebGL AR-focused A-Frame Framework three.js -- AR.js Library WebGL AR-focused ATON Framework three.js -- babylon.js Engine WebGL -- echo3D Cloud Platform model-viewer/A-Frame/ar.js model-viewer used for "See on floor", A-Frame+AR.js used in marker tracking, A-Frame+jeelizFaceFilter used in face tracking Ethereal Engine Engine three.js -- FRAME Cloud Platform babylon.js Geared towards conferencing and galleries Godot Engine WebGL Requires additional setup to export Hubs Cloud Platform A-Frame Geared towards conferencing and galleries JanusWeb Framework Elation Engine -- Immersions Library babylon.js -- LÖVR Framework WebGL Requires additional compilation step (see WebXR section) model-viewer Library WebGL Limited interactivity nunuStudio Engine three.js Both web and native engine versions available p5.xr Library p5.js -- Playcanvas Engine WebGL Web-only editor React XR Library three.js -- Rhodonite Library WebGL -- Rogue Engine Engine three.js -- spacesvr Framework three.js/React XR -- Spoke Scene Editor three.js Used to author Hubs scenes three.js Library WebGL -- threlte Library three.js Renderer for Svelte Unity Engine WebGL Requires external exporter Verge3D Toolkit three.js Includes visual programming interface Virtual Maker Cloud Platform babylon.js Web-only editor VRIA Framework A-Frame Focused on data visualization VrLand Cloud Platform A-Frame Geared towards conferencing, galleries, and web3 vtk.js Library WebGL Focused on data visualization Wonderland Engine Engine WebGL -- WorldCore Engine three.js -- Zea Engine WebGL CAD-focused -
I'll also use a second post here to keep track of prospective creation tools, aka any tool where there has been some discussion/planning to incorporate WebXR support.
Prospective WebXR Creation Tools
Name Type Issue? PR? Notes Armory Engine 1587 No Prior versions had WebVR support, but even that no longer works due to changes in related things used by the engine Bevy Engine 115 2319 Work has stalled, needs to be picked up again Unreal Engine Engine 41 No There is work being done by Wonder Interactive to offer a proprietary solution to WebGL and WebXR export with Unreal Engine 4/5. There are currently no open-source efforts of this nature with any visible progress Webaverse Engine 2813 3189 Previously had WebXR support, but became non-functional and is in the process of being made functional again X3DOM Framework 1046, 1068 1235 There is an existing WebVR implementation that needs to be updated. I am currently working on this. -
Mozilla Hubs and Spoke (their editor) might fit in this list.
@trevorflowers You know initially I was hesitant to add stuff like Hubs and Frame on here, but now that I've added the Cloud Platform category I think they might actually fit after all. Will add those along with some other things next time I update this.
Added Hubs/Spoke, FRAME, and VrLand